It is an attempt and innovation of CUA to carry out science popularization with the help of new media. Tiktok, WeChat official account and other new media as popular science media can widen the audience and improve the propaganda efficiency, so as to better enhance the popular science effect.

    It is planning to set up CUA Tiktok vibrato /CUA Tiktok official certification account. It will carry out, (1) compile: compile and review urogenital diseases related words and publish them; (2) recommendation of famous doctors: introduce and recommend famous medical experts in urology to the public. (3) health education: regularly release short videos on the theme of diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases.(4) publicity report: real time release of news reports on various offline science popularization activities organized by the Institute.

    The Institute will make use of the radiation efficiency of WeChat public platform, and strengthen and expand its official account's popular science capability and strength. It will also cooperate with many mature official account in professional field, and enhance its influence by learning from its professional ability and audience size.

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